Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Is Your Business at Risk?

2/23/2023 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
When it comes to our cell phones, most of us can’t leave home without them. We protect our phones and act as if our whole lives are on the device. So why aren’t we doing all we can to protect our business? In the age of technology and automation, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of how to protect your business information systems and ensure there are effective processes in place.

Who Watches the Watchers?

10/14/2022 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
There’s no doubt we are living in a time where technology and computers have become an integral part of our day-to-day business, and these critical systems are not exempt from the need to be maintained, supported and upgraded. Along with this technology, there is an increased risk to business due to cyber criminals and cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity? You’re It!

7/29/2022 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
In today’s workplace, we all use some form of connected technology: a desktop computer, tablet and/or smart phone. We cannot conduct business without them. Cyber criminals know this and have learned to exploit connectedness in ways which are both subtle and shocking. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the new mantra is: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility!

Showcasing the Smart Technology Zone: Integr8 2022

5/20/2022 - BY: EMILY WICKER
On Tuesday, May 10, experts from the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) attended Automation Alley’s Industry 4.0 conference, Integr8. The event brings together technology and manufacturing leaders from around the world to construct the next level of Industry 4.0.

Optimize Business with Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

3/25/2022 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
As time goes on, we continue to see more and more advanced technology in every aspect of our lives. So why not take advantage of technology within our manufacturing companies? As we work to improve efficiencies, fill talent gaps, increase profitability and stay competitive, a strategic advantage can be found in applying relevant advanced manufacturing technologies.

Sustaining Best Practices with Digital Process Control

3/11/2022 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
Utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies is the future of the manufacturing industry. It is essential for your business to stay up to date with the latest ways to improve your operations and retain your employees.

Up at Night: Manufacturers Report Common Challenges

In recent months, both Deloitte and IndustryWeek published survey data on the pressing issues that are the biggest concern for manufacturers. These surveys, conducted in September and October 2021 respectively, reported remarkably consistent findings.

How to Maintain Cybersecurity with Industry 4.0 Implementations

10/8/2021 - THE CENTER
As companies look to implement Industry 4.0 technologies in their facilities, information security must be a main consideration to ensure their business stays protected. When planning technology investments, this checklist will help mitigate as much of this risk to information security as possible.

Industry 4.0 Foundations: Cybersecurity

3/24/2021 - THE CENTER
Through our weekly Industry 4.0 Foundations blog series, we’ve explored how the many Industry 4.0 technologies can assist manufacturers in all types of improvement initiatives. In this final installment of the series, we’ll discuss how establishing Cybersecurity can ensure these technologies, and the critical information they carry, stay secure and protected.

ISO 9001 – A Key to Cybersecurity? (Part 2)

11/6/2020 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
A few weeks ago, we posted a blog dissecting the various requirements of ISO 9001:2015 related to the “control of documented information” and addressed how cyberattacks can affect customers, management, employees and even regulatory compliance. Now that the value of information security has been established, we’ll discuss how to incorporate safe cybersecurity practices to further support your organization’s controls of documented information.

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