IS YOUR organization in Northern Michigan AND passionate about continuous improvement? the continuous improvement group is for you!
The Continuous Improvement Group (CIG) is a membership group whose mission is to develop a culture of continuous improvement and respect for people in their organizations. Within the group, members will grow personally as leaders in continuous improvement through the development of their capabilities, network and career.
Become a part of a group focused on improving themselves and their communities. The growing membership of the CIG provides great networking and B2B opportunities. Members can attend top-notch training events with concepts that are directly applicable to the workplace.
As an additional learning opportunity, The Center - Northern Region facilitates the group by applying the concepts to an operational environment as a hands-on event. CIG members can directly benefit that are from rural and underserved areas through team projects that teach tools to improve a business's ability to accomplish its mission.
Joining CIG is $450 annually. Deliverables include:
- Two attendees per company
- Four quarterly on-site events in the Upper Peninsula and four quarterly on-site events northern Michigan (open to all members)
- Includes a best practice facility tour
- Four Continuous Learning Events
- Includes virtual or in-person learning activities combined with group planning/input meetings

For questions, contact Martina Scholl-High at or Kristin Smith