Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Using People Skills to Retain and Improve Culture

8/25/2023 - BY: TRICIA ONESIAN
In today’s work environment, we still see people bullying each other through demeaning acts that seek to destroy, damage or obstruct someone’s work performance, work product, tools or materials. To help alleviate this issue, building a strong company culture focused on retaining employees and learning from each other is key. My role as a Business Solutions Manager requires strong customer service skills. These customer service skills (or people skills) can be applied to working with coworkers, clients, upper management and so on.

A Look Inside the Smart Manufacturing Zone

5/12/2023 - BY: THE CENTER
Every year, Automation Alley hosts an outstanding Industry 4.0 event, Integr8. Our team at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) is grateful to be a featured guest, enabling us to speak with manufacturers about how they can adapt Industry 4.0 technologies to grow their businesses.

Role of Relationships & Teamwork on Workforce Engagement

3/17/2023 - BY: JIM GORMAN
My first job after graduating from college was with a Tier-1 automotive interiors company. I still have the lanyard card that was given to me at my orientation with the title “The Cornerstones” which highlighted key values of the organization. These cornerstones mean as much to me today as they did on my first day on the job. I believe them to be the most straightforward and inspiring standards for promoting productive relationships and teamwork, while also providing a framework for addressing issues that will certainly arise when working with a team.

Value Stream Mapping and the Dentist

2/17/2023 - BY: DAVE NELSON
We all know that good oral hygiene is essential to healthy living. Even though we brush our teeth daily, visiting your dentist twice a year is still important. Unsurprisingly, the dentist will often find plaque, an occasional cavity or other serious issue regardless of prevention during the visit. Similarly, good operational “hygiene” is essential to business success. Conducting a value stream map (VSM) on your various operational processes should be performed regularly. 

The Power of Mentorship

2/3/2023 - BY: BARB SHONIBIN
“Mentor” is often used as a buzzword more often than something that is acted upon. However, mentorship can be a great way to engage employees, new and old, while also benefiting the company. In today’s landscape, engaging and retaining employees has become challenging. New generations entering the workforce have different expectations and mindsets. It is crucial that management teams adapt to the changes and implement new initiatives that will attract, retain and engage staff.

New Year, New Courses

1/6/2023 - BY: THE CENTER
Start the year on the right foot by focusing on employee skill development. Explore our new courses being offered in 2023. 

Are You Missing Opportunities to Impact Your Bottom Line?

5/6/2022 - BY: JAMIE HEADLEY
Do you have opportunities to improve your business but don’t have the people or resources to work on them? Do you wish you had a group of experts who could quickly help you move your business forward? Specialty Solutions is the answer.

New Year, New (LinkedIn) You

1/14/2022 - BY: JOHN SPILLSON
With nearly 800 million members at the end of 2021, LinkedIn yielded one of the largest professional social platforms in the world. Now is a great time to update your personal and business LinkedIn information, trainings, certifications, experiences, skills and recommendations.

Is Your Website Tired and Needing a Perk Up?

Battling the competition requires a strategy of building a positive image. Quite often, it starts with how a company appears online. When prospects visit your website, what type of message are you sending?

Is Your Website Causing You "Daylight Robbery"?

8/20/2021 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
Today, some websites are not only not helping to generate sales growth, but they may be actively driving prospective buyers away and undermining the best efforts of the sales staff. And the company is paying for that! It’s like “Daylight Robbery.”

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