Manufacturer Succession Planning with our Business Advisors

Manufacturer Succession Planning with our Business Advisors

It is an inevitable fact that all business owners/key employees will leave at some point in the company’s lifespan. When it happens, you need a plan of action to keep your business afloat during the transition.

There are two types of succession:

Planned Succession:

The steps an organization takes when a critical person departs with ample notice.

Emergency Succession:

The steps an organization takes if a critical person departs unexpectedly.

Our Manufacturer Succession Planning helps business owners plan for the future that they never (or don’t want to) see coming.  Whether it be retirement or an early departure from their position, we help prepare the company for any transition.

With the help of our trusted business succession advisors, we can help you plan for the unexpected  


Advising Focus Areas:

  • Strategy Planning
  • Emergency Succession Planning
  • Transition Strategies
  • Counseling 
  • Executive Coaching
  • Trusts
  • Buy/Sell Agreements
  • Business Valuation
  • “Key Man” Insurance

Our Approach

For our Manufacturer succession planning, we first conduct an initial analysis of the business itself.  We look at factors like facility condition, company history and identification of:

  • Family Members
  • Key Employees
  • Stakeholders
  • Board Members
  • Company Advisors

After the initial analysis, we provide the business owners with a practical report and a roadmap in key areas of their business to successfully transition to the next generation of management and ownership.

Strategic Planning & Transitions

We provide a systematic approach to planning, executing, auditing and managing company vision to help you transition and plan for the next stages of your business’ life. We prepare the business owner by helping them develop an appropriate plan by asking the right questions. We touch on topics like income, involvement and legacy to ensure that we cover everything to continue your company’s success.  Schedule your free assessment to get started on developing a plan for your business.