Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Being Open to Change: Are You a Luddite?

7/15/2022 - BY: GEORGE SINGOS
During the 19th century Industrial Revolution, a group of craftsmen known as the Luddites protested change in the manufacturing industry. As machines were being introduced to the textile industry, the Luddites took to destroy it. Today, the term is used as a way of saying someone is against technology.

Got Skills? Get Ready to Adopt Industry 4.0 Technology

Effective programs to train people in the skill sets needed to successfully adopt and maintain Industry 4.0 technologies are few and far between. We are currently experiencing a huge labor shortage and skills gap across several industries, including manufacturing. Automation is a great solution that can help bridge that gap and can also create new positions to maintain the equipment.

Industry 4.0: Positively Impacting Michigan Manufacturers

6/3/2022 - BY: THE CENTER
Digitization has found its way into our daily lives and has established a new era in manufacturing. It has created many opportunities for improved efficiency, higher revenues and increased innovation. As we navigate the digital world that is transforming our industry, manufacturers are learning how to design, model and validate their products.

Showcasing the Smart Technology Zone: Integr8 2022

5/20/2022 - BY: EMILY WICKER
On Tuesday, May 10, experts from the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) attended Automation Alley’s Industry 4.0 conference, Integr8. The event brings together technology and manufacturing leaders from around the world to construct the next level of Industry 4.0.

Optimize Business with Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

3/25/2022 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
As time goes on, we continue to see more and more advanced technology in every aspect of our lives. So why not take advantage of technology within our manufacturing companies? As we work to improve efficiencies, fill talent gaps, increase profitability and stay competitive, a strategic advantage can be found in applying relevant advanced manufacturing technologies.

Sustaining Best Practices with Digital Process Control

3/11/2022 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
Utilizing Industry 4.0 technologies is the future of the manufacturing industry. It is essential for your business to stay up to date with the latest ways to improve your operations and retain your employees.

Industry 4.0 is Coming to a City Near You

2/25/2022 - BY: THE CENTER
Industry 4.0 is the future of manufacturing and Michigan is at the forefront. Utilizing smart technology will transform the industry by allowing manufacturers to design, model and validate products in a virtual world. The Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) is here to help ensure your company doesn’t fall behind. Take advantage of upcoming FREE showcases and events throughout Michigan to learn how Industry 4.0 can support your business.

Assisting Employee Performance With Human Machine Interaction

2/11/2022 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
Talent shortages continue around several industries, including manufacturing. Among other challenges, keeping your employees engaged and productive is key to operational success. So why not utilize technology to help make human jobs easier while also cutting waste?

How to Maintain Cybersecurity with Industry 4.0 Implementations

10/8/2021 - THE CENTER
As companies look to implement Industry 4.0 technologies in their facilities, information security must be a main consideration to ensure their business stays protected. When planning technology investments, this checklist will help mitigate as much of this risk to information security as possible.

Supply Chain Strategies for Building Resilience: Taking the Risk Out of Risky Business

As the world continues to recover from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains everywhere are facing raw material shortages, long lead times, higher material and transportation costs, labor shortages, and volatile pricing. With these factors now hurting both businesses and consumers alike, it’s more important than ever to gain a deep understanding of the current state of supply chains along with the best solutions to each challenge.

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