October 2022

How Digital Marketing Can Help Michigan Manufacturers

10/28/2022 - BY: EMILY WICKER
Marketing is a key piece of the business strategy that puts value to products or services to satisfy a customer’s wants and/or needs. As technology continues to play a role in our everyday lives, it is important for manufacturers to utilize Digital Marketing within their overall business strategy.

Don’t Be A Deer In The Headlights When it Comes to Your Quality Policy

10/21/2022 - BY: STEVE VAMPLEW
One of the many services we provide at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) is conducting internal audits on our client’s Quality Management System (QMS) or Environmental Management System (EMS). In today’s manufacturing climate, where labor shortages abound, we are being called upon more than ever to perform these internal audits.

Who Watches the Watchers?

10/14/2022 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
There’s no doubt we are living in a time where technology and computers have become an integral part of our day-to-day business, and these critical systems are not exempt from the need to be maintained, supported and upgraded. Along with this technology, there is an increased risk to business due to cyber criminals and cyberattacks.

What to Consider While Costs Are Rising

10/7/2022 - BY: ROB STAUFFER
Most manufacturers are facing inflation, which drives up the cost of just about everything they buy. At the same time, the price of petroleum has risen, increasing the cost of transporting items to and from their factories. The current talent and workforce shortage, particularly in manufacturing, has caused an upward pressure on wages. And to make things even more challenging, many economic indicators are predicting a looming recession, which tends to shrink consumption and slow down production.