Manufacture Smarter Blog

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It’s Time for your Comeback: Five Ways to Improve in 2015

1/9/2015 - THE CENTER
The New Year has officially rung in, and with it, comes a time for contemplation. For Michigan’s manufacturers, 2015 is an opportunity to start with a blank slate. Yes, it’s time to begin anew. More than that, it’s time to make a comeback. So what do we mean by that?

Looking Ahead to 2015

12/31/2014 - THE CENTER
Manufacturing has been in the news frequently in the last few months and 2014 has seen intense scrutiny and support for the industry. The Manufacturing Innovation blog posted a Retrospective on U.S. Manufacturing today that highlighted key trends for this year. 

Additive Manufacturing and the Future of our Industry

11/21/2014 - THE CENTER
Additive manufacturing is becoming a “hot topic”. The manufacturing process was actually developed in the 1980’s, but hasn’t really picked up interest until the last few years or so. Since then, it’s sometimes more commonly referred to as “3D printing.” 

Recent Study Cites Competition as Top Concern for Michigan Manufacturers

6/27/2014 - THE CENTER
BDO USA, LLP, in a press release dated June 17th, highlighted results from the 2014 Manufacturing RiskFactor Report.* 100% of the publicly traded U.S. manufacturers HQ in Michigan cited Industry competition, consolidation, and pressure on pricing as the #1 risk factor keeping them up at night.

Proud to Manufacture in Michigan, You Better Believe It! (Best Believe)

6/13/2014 - THE CENTER
We’re just wrapping up our third annual Proud to Manufacture in Michigan Conference, co-located this year with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ (SME’s) Big M Event at Cobo Hall.  It was exciting to be part of the outpouring of support for Michigan’s manufacturers, and we were happy to celebrate the great things going on in our state.

Playing to Our Strengths: When Passion Meets Possibility

4/25/2014 - THE CENTER
There is much rejoicing in the news on Michigan’s latest unemployment numbers. While still more than a percentage point above the national numbers, Michigan has had two consecutive months of lower unemployment and March is projected to extend that trend.

Beyond Compensation: Countering the ‘Checked-out’ Worker

4/11/2014 - THE CENTER
Engaged Employees, Human Capital, Invested Workforce, Holy Grail? That’s what you’d believe if you read the headlines. Finding and keeping employees actively engaged and connected to your business vision is becoming harder to find than the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Re-shoring and the Quality of Michigan Manufacturing

3/21/2014 - THE CENTER
As many U.S. manufacturers are aware, outsourcing continues to be a hotly debated topic. It was particularly a major issue in the 2000s when outsourcing became popular. Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that major corporations eliminated about 2.9 million U.S. positions in the 2000s while adding 2.4 million jobs overseas.

It’s a New Year: Learn from Yourself and Others

1/3/2014 - THE CENTER
Our industry is gaining some great momentum, providing new opportunities for businesses to develop and grow. The Institute for Supply Management’s monthly PMI index is widely regarded as the key economic indictor for growth in our field and the last reading for 2013 was 57%. Readings over 50% indicate industry expansion, so this was a great reading.

'Tis Every Season to Support Local Manufacturers

12/6/2013 - THE CENTER
Every year around this time, you probably see messages from the media and pundits about shopping and buying from local businesses. And that message is correct – it’s important to purchase from local organizations during the holiday season. It’s a great boost to the local economy.

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