Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Retain and Attract Talent with the Going PRO Talent Fund

9/16/2022 - BY: TRICIA ONESIAN
With the manufacturing world struggling to retain and attract talent, having a culture of loyalty and investing in your workforce is more important than ever. Today, workers don’t necessarily seek employment with the highest paying opportunity, but rather with one where their career progression and development is important. Loyalty to an employer is now based on the loyalty the employer has to the employee.

Technology Opportunity Assessments: What Have We Learned?

9/9/2022 - BY: GEORGE SINGOS
As we all know, technology is advancing by the day, hour and minute, which means so is manufacturing. To assist manufacturers, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) provides free Technology Opportunity Assessments. During this assessment, The Center’s experts visit a manufacturing site to see where automation and technologies could help ensure the company doesn’t get left behind. So, what have we learned after completing more than 200 of them?

Get in the Zone! The Smart Technology Zone Showcased at AME 2022

8/19/2022 - BY: THE CENTER
Last week, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center’s Smart Technology Zone was on the road again. It was a huge hit at the Advanced Manufacturing Expo in Grand Rapids, Mich., where our Industry 4.0 team joined our West Michigan team to talk about all things tech with hundreds of attendees.

Secrets of Great Leaders

8/12/2022 - BY: JOHN SPILLSON
On a regular basis, I work with various manufacturers, including platers, stampers, casters and assemblers. I also work with food processors such as bakeries, pickle processors, dog treat manufacturers and companies that produce nutritional supplements. Can you name one thing these distinct companies have in common? Everything they produce is done with PEOPLE. Yes, regardless of what business they are in, they are first and foremost in the people business!

Improving Our Delivery: Training from the Back of the Room

The Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center’s (The Center) team of experts are dedicated to partnering with our clients to train, consult and find the right solutions to help them succeed. After all, our success is your success. To do so, we are always evaluating ways we can evolve and improve.

Cybersecurity? You’re It!

7/29/2022 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
In today’s workplace, we all use some form of connected technology: a desktop computer, tablet and/or smart phone. We cannot conduct business without them. Cyber criminals know this and have learned to exploit connectedness in ways which are both subtle and shocking. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the new mantra is: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility!

Got Skills? Get Ready to Adopt Industry 4.0 Technology

Effective programs to train people in the skill sets needed to successfully adopt and maintain Industry 4.0 technologies are few and far between. We are currently experiencing a huge labor shortage and skills gap across several industries, including manufacturing. Automation is a great solution that can help bridge that gap and can also create new positions to maintain the equipment.

Variety is NOT the Spice of Manufacturing Life!

6/17/2022 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
In manufacturing, we must measure or test the products we make because there is variation in the results and we don’t want to exceed the specification which would result in additional costs, time lost and possibly customer dissatisfaction.

The Root Cause of Most Project Failures: Not Using a Work Breakdown Structure

6/10/2022 - BY: ROB STAUFFER
When I advise my clients or teach a project management course, the first question I ask is what types of problems they experience when managing projects. As with most problems, the first step is to assume they are likely symptoms with some underlying root causes. If you or your organization does not follow a project management methodology (meaning everyone manages projects their own way), then you should expect these types of systemic problems. A variable process will always yield variable outcomes no matter how hard you try.

Industry 4.0: Positively Impacting Michigan Manufacturers

6/3/2022 - BY: THE CENTER
Digitization has found its way into our daily lives and has established a new era in manufacturing. It has created many opportunities for improved efficiency, higher revenues and increased innovation. As we navigate the digital world that is transforming our industry, manufacturers are learning how to design, model and validate their products.

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