October 2018

Keep Your Employees Engaged – Before It’s Too Late

10/26/2018 - BY: MIKE BEELS
Although many don’t realize it, one of the most valuable assets a company can have is its personnel. The staff can make or break a business based on their level of commitment, motivation and interest in their work. While engaging employees already is a complicated skill to master, incoming generations of workers are bringing with them new expectations and desires for the workplace, making it even more difficult to keep all employees engaged.

5 Steps to Cyber Safety: IT Perspective

10/19/2018 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
We recently posted a blog detailing how business leaders could safeguard their companies from cyber-attacks. This week, we will focus on IT-related steps to help ensure your business is protected from cyber-attacks.

Leveraging Technology to Grow Your Business

10/12/2018 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
In past posts, we’ve talked about the relevance and applications of implementing technology, highlighting the advantages that such innovations can bring to manufacturers of all sizes. But what does it actually look like when these technologies are leveraged to improve a business?

5 Steps to Cyber Safety: Business Perspective

10/5/2018 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
The number of cybercrime victims grows by 2.7 million every day, or 1,861 victims a minute. The total global cost of cyber-attacks in 2018 so far exceeds $600 billion, with organizations spending $8 billion a year on ransomware alone. It is clear that the risk of cybersecurity continues to grow, with a variety of agencies from the Department of Defense to the Automotive Industry Action Group mandating new industry-wide standards for cybersecurity.