Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Shining High-Beam Headlights on Future Sales

5/10/2013 - THE CENTER
You read that right – this is about Sales Headlights not Sales Highlights. Tracking Sales performance is an area of the business filled with numbers you can highlight.  Like baseball, you can watch your team’s overall win/loss record, your team’s batting average (wins as a percent of quotes), and the same for individual salespeople on your team.

The Sixth Man: Tips to Help Your Website Work Better For Your Business.

Industrial buying activity is moving online. A Thomas Industrial Network survey of more than 3,000 industrial executives and managers found that 90 percent of industrial purchases are now researched, evaluated and selected online. The uptick in online activity means that manufacturers need to step up their online game.

Green Manufacturing: From Trend to Cornerstone

4/5/2013 - THE CENTER
If you’re a manufacturer in Michigan, you’ve probably heard the phrase “going green.” Going green used to be a trendy thing for celebrities to talk about, but this is more than a trend for the manufacturing community.

Industry Update: More Trends Indicate MI Manufacturers Should Focus on Growth

3/8/2013 - THE CENTER
We’ve been hearing a lot lately about how American manufacturing is making a comeback. Last year was particularly hailed as a “manufacturing renaissance,” as the sector led the way for economic improvement and consistently racked up positive industry stats. Manufacturing has been roaring back… but will it continue on this path?

Workforce Buy-In: The Key to Sustaining Results

2/11/2013 - THE CENTER
When you make operational changes to either become more efficient or to grow, it’s just as important that your team understands and embraces the importance of the changes. It’s also critical that employees have buy-in from the beginning of your planned improvements.

Enhancing Customer Value

1/11/2013 - THE CENTER
Customers create value for a business in two different ways: They buy more today, or they improve their disposition toward you and buy more tomorrow. But for a business these two types of value are in conflict just like pace and stride are in conflict for a runner.

Five Critical Elements in a Successful Pay Per Click Campaign

11/9/2012 - THE CENTER
Pay Per Click advertising, the “Sponsored Ads” that display at the top and side in search engines like Google, is a highly effective method of driving new prospects and buyers to your website. You only pay for visitors who actually “click” your ad – a more cost effective advertising approach than Yellow Pages, ThomasNet, Newspapers and many more traditional forms of advertising.

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