Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Is Your Digital Presence Winning Business - Or Turning Customers Away?

Manufacturing is the largest e-commerce industry sector, with e-commerce shipments making up 67.3% of all manufacturing shipments. This reliance on online research and buying has only increased in recent months, with the global pandemic and President Biden’s new Executive Order to strengthen national supply chains both contributing to a more competitive market online. So, how can you ensure your company’s online presence is making a strong enough impact to end up on customers’ shortlists?

Sales - Remotely Speaking

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed every aspect of doing business, including sales. From the first March 2020 shutdown to now, many outside salespeople have had to adjust to working inside for the first time ever. After working in various inside sales roles for years, I have learned several helpful tips to continue supporting clients from a distance, which could be beneficial for others to adopt in this new sales climate.

Take Your Digital Sales & Marketing to the Next Level with LinkedIn

3/12/2021 - BY: ANDY NICHOLS
For many businesses and key members of Sales & Marketing staff, the use of digital media is both the present and future of B2B commerce. Whether we like it or not, recent events have put much more emphasis on supplier searches being conducted online. In addition to enhancing company websites, businesses can boost their digital presence by making a bold impression on the social media platform LinkedIn, where more and more procurement sourcing is happening. 

Death of a (Stereotypical) Salesman

2/22/2019 - BY: BRIAN MAMO
Over the years, salespeople have been unfairly labeled as pushy and dishonest. Unfortunately, these common stereotypes do not reflect the true purpose and goal of what salespeople do: Help businesses and consumers thrive.

Yearly Planning and Goal-Setting- It’s Not Just for Bigger Organizations

12/8/2017 - BY: DAVE NELSON
Years ago in my career, I was the president of a small custom fabricating/molding company. If you had asked me back then about my yearly plans and goals, I would have rattled off reason after reason for why that type of planning doesn’t work for a small company.

Looking for Commercial Success? Add Video to Your Website

8/25/2017 - BY: CHARLIE WESTRA
Nothing increases website engagement, generates sales and connects with customers like video. Why? The right videos can turn your boring, static, day-old doughnut website into an engaging, interactive destination. Videos are the perfect way to communicate your company’s own unique story, explain your product’s value, cultivate existing relationships and introduce yourself to prospects.

How Manufacturers Can Avoid Extinction by Using Competitive Intelligence

Knowledge is power, and it’s truer today than ever before. Simply consider our rapidly-evolving manufacturing environment. Revolutionary new technologies in 3D printing have emerged—shortening the amount of time it takes to develop new products. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has brought more intelligence to manufacturing operations and is enabling manufacturers to improve production processes at an impressive pace.

Key Ways Manufacturers Can Improve Profitability

7/28/2017 - BY: CHERYL BURT
The goal of any manufacturer is simple—be successful. This can be measured in many ways (happiness, money, health), but in terms of running a business, profit is essential for survival. Fortunately, there are four simple steps that any manufacturer can take to help ensure that their company avoids money troubles.

Keep Your Customers Coming Back!

6/16/2017 - BY: TRICIA ONESIAN
Whether you prefer a burger grilled to perfection or a tasty summer salad loaded with sun-ripened berries, there’s no shortage of delicious summer fare at your favorite restaurants. I’m always reminded that the overall experience is far more satisfying when a restaurant serves up delicious food and excellent service.

Proud to Manufacture in Michigan? Yes We Are!

4/21/2017 - BY: MICHAEL MCGRAY
For decades, Michigan’s manufacturers have played a vital role in our state’s economic development. In 2012, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) wanted to honor the diverse contributions of our state’s manufacturers by starting a Proud to Manufacture in Michigan (PTMIM) campaign.

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