Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Industry 4.0 on a Budget-Small Manufacturers Need Technology Too

12/15/2017 - BY: CHUCK WERNER
One advantage of my current role, which I did not get to experience while working full-time in manufacturing, is getting to take part in conferences for the new tools, technologies and techniques being used in the industry. As a result, I have witnessed many presentations from suppliers of Industry 4.0 products and processes, as well as heard from companies that have taken various steps to implement smart factories, Internet of Things, robotics and so on.


3/24/2017 - BY: GREGG PETERSON
My name is Gregg Peterson, and I’m on a mission to inspire the usage of lightweight materials as I assist U.S.-based SMEs. What drives this passion? I’ve devoted my career to the advancement of the technology and have repeatedly witnessed its benefits—from long-term cost savings to major reductions in fuel consumption.

On a Positive "Note"... The Value of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Database

1/20/2017 - BY: GEORGE SINGOS
What do most manufacturing sales reps normally do when they get a sales lead? A lot of them grab a sticky note and put it on their computer with the best intentions of following up—until the sticky note falls off, and it’s nowhere to be found. Then, the lead is history.

5 Technological Trends Sweeping Across the Manufacturing Landscape

7/15/2016 - THE CENTER
For the past 20 years, technological changes have had a major impact on both our economy and society. From the internet spike of the 1990’s to the development of Smartphones and Wi-Fi in the 2000’s, technology is constantly evolving… and at lightning speed.

Detroit’s LIFT Gearing Up for Small and Mid-Sized Members

6/24/2016 - THE CENTER
Do you ever wonder how the Federal Government can assist your company?  Or why the perks which seem to flow to major US corporations don’t trickle down to your business?  Well, times are changing and resources are available! The National Network for Manufacturing Initiatives (NNMI) was formed to make sure that technology developed through defense and other government programs would reach small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMMs).

Boost Welding Profits with Improved Analytics

3/18/2016 - THE CENTER
Now, more than ever before, the economy is experiencing a more competitive manufacturing industry. Taking advantage of every opportunity is crucial in keeping up with and surpassing the competition.

Lightweight Materials Momentum Grows as EPA and Industry Prepare for Mid-Term Evaluation

1/29/2016 - THE CENTER
As governmental and consumer demand for decreased emissions, higher sustainability, lower carbon footprint and greater fuel economy increases, the growing trend for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to adopt new materials is impacting manufacturing at all tier levels.

National Network for Manufacturing Innovation Brings Technology to Michigan

10/9/2015 - THE CENTER
Where do you go for help regarding new, lightweight materials? Who is really working on the materials and processes to create future vehicles and products which are lightweight, sustainable, and affordable?  How can I position my company for growth as the lightweight trend goes from being a gentle wave to a tsunami?

Additive Manufacturing and the Future of our Industry

11/21/2014 - THE CENTER
Additive manufacturing is becoming a “hot topic”. The manufacturing process was actually developed in the 1980’s, but hasn’t really picked up interest until the last few years or so. Since then, it’s sometimes more commonly referred to as “3D printing.” 

Manage or Mitigate: Why Risk can’t be Avoided

10/10/2014 - THE CENTER
No one likes being vulnerable. It involves risk, and risks are scary. In business, innovation or trying new things is often seen as a risk. There are entire service industries that revolve entirely around the concept of managing or mitigating risk, have you talked to your insurance agent recently?

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