Manufacture Smarter Blog

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Reshape Your Company Culture to Attract Millennials

11/15/2019 - BY: MIGUEL GOMEZ
It's no secret that the manufacturing industry is facing a hiring crisis. If leaders have any hope of filling their talent gaps long-term, they must work to align their company values with those of younger generations.

What Makes A Great Leader?

10/25/2019 - BY: BEN WOOD
Leaders wear many hats; they're a coach, a mentor, and a support-system for their team. Just because an employee has worked long enough to know the ins and outs of an establishment and has relationships with co-workers and clients does not mean they have the proper skills to take on such heightened levels of responsibility. 

Diapers and Delegation: Important Lessons in Micromanagement

10/11/2019 - BY: CHARLIE WESTRA
There are times when tasks are delegated to us and we are happy to do them, only to be discouraged as soon as micromanagement and control come into play. On the flipside, sometimes when we are the ones delegating, we might find ourselves closely monitoring others’ methods and critiquing them to perform more like us, with a “my way or the highway” type of paradigm. 

Help Me, Help You!

10/4/2019 - BY: GARY MARLEY
When I meet with manufacturers to discuss business improvement strategies, the overwhelming message I hear is that they are all too busy working in the business that they do not have any time to work on the business. While this approach may work in the short term to keep the business afloat and functioning, in the long run this lack of planning and strategizing can be detrimental to the company's culture, competitiveness and bottom line.

Manufacture Smarter: Is Training Really the Key to Making Gains in Manufacturing?

9/20/2019 - BY: TERRY HOSSINK
As with any business environment, continued learning should be an integral part of the business plan. Training should be an equal part of the improvement and investment plan that a company creates and revises each year.

Millennials - The Key to the Future of Manufacturing

9/6/2019 - BY: JAMIE HEADLEY
Anyone working in manufacturing today knows the number one issue facing the industry is the ability to attract and retain talent. And anyone dealing with this "talent shortage" knows that Millennials, or Generation Y, are the most viable labor pool. But with so many perceived differences in career desires among Millennials, how can manufacturers tap into this generation of potential workers?

Do Your Workers Feel Valued & Included? Just Ask Them!

How well does your company communicate? In the current business landscape, effective communication plays a major role in determining organizational success as this directly contributes to employee engagement and inclusion. To improve the flow of information in your facility, while making employees feel heard and valued, conduct skip level meetings.

Nine Ways to Protect a Project - And Project Manager - From Failure

8/9/2019 - BY: ROB STAUFFER
As any experienced project manager knows, there are many things, such as scope creep and budget issues, that can go wrong when working on a project. When these problems inevitably arise, all heads turn to the project manager for a solution. To ensure your future projects don't fail, follow these key steps.

How Employee Training Affects Your Company Reputation - And Your Bottom Line

6/21/2019 - BY: DEB JOSEPH
The ongoing skilled trades employee shortage is causing many manufacturers to hire from outside of the industry, bringing in people without manufacturing skills or backgrounds. However, due to the unique nature of the manufacturing industry, this lack of experience and knowledge brings many challenges for the incoming workforce. To ease workers' transitions into a manufacturing environment, a strong training program is essential.

The Executive Leadership Gap - The Elephant in the Room

6/14/2019 - BY: JAMIE HEADLEY
In today's market, employee retention has become a major focal point. Knowing how to retain employees begins with undersanding why they leave a company in the first place. One thing senior executives do not commonly consider is that they could be a part of the problem. 

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