Emotional Intelligence: What’s Your Emotion?

Do you ever notice that some people are better at dealing with their emotions than others? Or maybe you have a coworker who is really good at reading other’s emotions. This is because they have high emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be defined as the ability to recognize, understand and manage one’s emotions, as well as recognize and understand the emotions of others. If you think this means that being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact others, you would be correct.
Although the term seems to have first appeared in 1964, it gained popularity in the 1995 best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, written by Daniel Goleman, who provided the definition above.
Emotional Intelligence (or lack of it) can affect:
  • Your work performance. High emotional intelligence can help you navigate the social complexities of the workplace and help one lead and motivate others.
  • Your physical health. The inability to manage your emotions can lead to serious health problems caused by stress.
  • Your mental health. Uncontrolled emotions and stress can impact your mental health leading to anxiety and depression.
Benefits of high EI include:
  • Better relationships
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved communication
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict resolution
  • Collaboration and many more…
EI looks at four characteristics:
  • Self-Awareness – understanding your own emotions and what triggers them
  • Self-Management – the ability to control and adjust your emotions
  • Social Awareness – the ability to pick up on the emotions of others and understand them
  • Relationship Management – the ability to use awareness of yours and others’ emotions to better interact with them
Data supports that EI sets high performers apart from peers, are must-have skills, are used to determine promotions and salary increases, and are considered crucial for developing careers. This shows that EI impacts many aspects of our lives and those around us. Honing your EI skills will increase your success and promote better outcomes in life. I mean, who wouldn’t want to reduce stress and create better relationships in and out of work?
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) has a new course all about emotional intelligence and learning how it can improve culture and other areas in the workplace. Keep an eye out for upcoming EI courses on our schedule here. Explore other ways to improve your leadership and culture by registering for one of our upcoming courses.
MEET OUR EXPERT: Mike Beels, Program Manager
Beels_M2-web.jpgMike Beels has served in the role of Lean Program Manager for the Lean Business Solutions Team at The Center for more than 16 years. Mike’s areas of expertise include Change Leadership, Workforce Engagement and Succession Planning, as well as the entire portfolio of Lean strategies and methodologies. He is a professional trainer and can command an audience and deliver the training message in a way that participants can understand in a clear, non-threatening manner. Mike always leaves trainees excited and ready to complete training transfer to the shop floor or office. 
Since 1991, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center has assisted Michigan’s small and medium-sized businesses to successfully compete and grow. Through personalized services designed to meet the needs of clients, we develop more effective business leaders, drive product and process innovation, promote company-wide operational excellence and foster creative strategies for business growth and greater profitability. Find us at www.the-center.org.

Categories: Leadership/Culture, workforce