AMERICAN JETWAY CORP: Supervisory Training Leads Employee Retention Efforts
What we are most pleased with is more interaction between our management team. It was important to cultivate the TEAM aspect and not so much of the top down dictation. The team takes more ownership of all action items instead of constantly pushing back or not following through to completion.
-- Janice Germann, Chief Financial Officer
American Jetway Corporation ( is a turn-key supplier/manufacturer of aerosol products and bulk liquids located in Wayne, Michigan. Their product line offerings include lubricants, coatings, cleaners/degreasers and various other custom formulations. Founded in 1963, American Jetway Corporation employs more than 130 full and temporary employees.
American Jetway’s executive management understood having a knowledgeable and committed workforce was key in supporting future growth. Effective communication between teams, shifts and departments was lacking, creating an environment where staff were frustrated and unhappy. With the threat of losing employees, they knew they wanted to invest in their employees to do something to refine skills and retain staff.
Supervisory Skills training offered by the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (The Center) was the right option to provide long-lasting benefits in American Jetway’s workforce. A customized Supervisory Skills training program for the management team was created. Two rounds of American Jetway supervisors underwent the four-day program, which focused on improving communication between departments, minimizing duplicated efforts, maximizing efficiency, strengthening skills to enhance performance, solving conflict and motivating teams to achieve organizational goals.
- New Sales: $7.0 million
- Jobs Created: 5
- Jobs Retained: 130
- Culture Shift Statement: We have seen a definite improvement in overall management morale. They have acquired more knowledge as to what is expected and what can be achieved. It was a welcome change to the overall Jetway internal morale.