Summer Camp: Applied Project Management

Summer Camp: Applied Project Management


In summer 2025, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC) is offering Summer Camp in scenic Traverse City. Over the course of one week, participants will have the opportunity to complete our accelerated five-day Applied Project Management program while experiencing the beauty of northern Michigan in the summer.  


Achieve the educational requirement that allows you to sit for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. In this fast-paced course, MMTC will lead you through project-based learning as you apply the essential elements from the Project Management Body of Knowledge and network with professional peers. Achieving a Project Management certification increases your value as you lead your organization in a disciplined approach to project management. By applying the tools for planning, executing, and monitoring project initiatives, you can greatly reduce schedule and deployment delays, control cost overruns, and improve customer satisfaction to the benefit of your organization.


Do you remember back when summer camp activities were your teacher, learning seemed effortless, and new acquaintances became lifelong friends? Yeah, let’s do that! Following daily classes, the late afternoon sunshine and 10pm northern Michigan sunsets are yours to enjoy. Explore nature trails, take a dip in the refreshing water of Lake Michigan, dine at eclectic and outstanding restaurants, and tour northern Michigan's brewpubs and wineries.


Goike_K-web.jpgKAREN GOIKE, Senior Business Advisor
Karen is a certified PMP and Professional Business Advisor with The Center. She formerly worked with Henry Ford Hospital facilitating the roll out of Electronic Medical Records. View Full Bio



Upcoming Classes

August 04, 2025 - August 08, 2025
8:00 AM- 4:30 PM
2600 Aero Park Dr.
Traverse City, MI

Every organization has experienced the high cost and waste of poor planning. A disciplined approach to project management can greatly reduce the pains of decreasing customer satisfaction, project cost overruns, and schedule and deployment delays.
Northern Michigan