Manufacture Smarter Blog

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9 Reasons Cybersecurity Should Be a Priority in Your Business Right Now

8/14/2020 - BY: JEFF WILLIAMS
With countless workers now using personal laptops and home internet connections, rather than dedicated servers and equipment with stronger cybersecurity, hackers are provided an easy access point into confidential company data. Due to this heightened and evolving risk, it is now more critical than ever for companies to focus on establishing robust cybersecurity practices if they hope to keep their businesses safe in this new threat landscape.

COVID-19 Emphasizes the Need for New Skills Among Current Workers

The COVID-19 outbreak forced companies to evaluate and transform their traditional ways of doing business nearly overnight. As companies worked to acclimate to this new environment, many came to realize their abilities to reskill or upskill workers were not sufficient to keep up with the rapidly changing landscape.

How Have Michigan Manufacturers Fared During COVID-19?

7/17/2020 - THE CENTER
With the impacts of the nation-wide lockdown weighing heavily, many have wondered how exactly manufacturers in the United States have fared during and after the pandemic. In an effort to capture current business conditions among smaller manufacturers in certain areas of the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago recently conducted a Survey of Business Conditions on the Impact of Covid-19 on Manufacturers.

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

For many manufacturers, especially small and mid-sized manufacturers, it can be difficult to maintain a forward-thinking outlook. Most of the time, the day-to-day fires are all-consuming. Like Fleetwood Mac suggests, businesses should not stop thinking about tomorrow, for it will soon be here.

Need Help with Business Planning? Use Market Research!

With the start of a new year, manufacturers are beginning to focus on strategic planning for 2020 and beyond. Although some might not realize it, all business planning can be supported with market research.

Are You Using Your Data to its Full Potential?

3/15/2019 - BY: GEORGE SINGOS
A company is only as good as its data. Whether you’re trying to increase productivity, eliminate bottlenecks in production or grow into new markets, data is the key to driving improvements and maintaining success. 

Will Your Company Survive the Next Recession?

A hard life lesson everyone has had to learn at one point or another is that all good things must come to an end. This is an especially difficult lesson to learn when it comes to the economy, but one that Michigan manufacturers may soon be faced with.

Redefining Manufacturing in 2019

1/4/2019 - THE CENTER
If manufacturers were to look back five or 10 years, most manufacturers would realize their companies have changed so tremendously, that they are unrecognizable compared to how they once were. These transformations in processes, products, staffing and innovations have altered how their businesses appear and operate. This begs the question, what will manufacturing look like in 2019?

Attracting, Engaging & Retaining Employees

12/7/2018 - BY: DEB JOSEPH
Here’s the good news: the unemployment level in the United States has reached a nearly 50-year low. The bad news is, there are now more job openings than there are skilled people to fill them. Nearly every manufacturer I speak with is feeling the impact of this nationwide talent shortage.

Get a Peek into the Factory of the Future at Integr8

9/14/2018 - BY: ELLIOT FORSYTH
Manufacturing is changing. The industry is entering a new era, with oncoming workforce and technological advancements set to transform manufacturing as we know it. In this emerging age of smart manufacturing, a number of factors are contributing to this evolution.

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